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Students Bulk Update Script

These scripts to extract data from an Excel files from PrernaStudentData folder, convert the data to JSON format, and then ingest it into a PostgreSQL database. It reads data from JSON files, deletes existing student records (if applicable), and updates or inserts new records into the database. The script uses Node.js, PostgreSQL, and dotenv for environment configuration.

Table of Contents


Before running the script, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (version 14 or higher)
  • npm (Node Package Manager)
  • PostgreSQL (running and accessible from the server)
  • Access to the PostgreSQL database URI (configured in .env file)


  1. Install dependencies: Run the following command to install required npm dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Configure your environment: Create a .env file in the root of the project with the following content:

    CHUNKS=10000 # Number of students to process per batch
    • NL_PG_URI: The connection string for your PostgreSQL database.
    • CHUNKS: The batch size for bulk updates and deletions. Default is 10000.
  3. Ensure the input folder exists: The script expects the student data files to be located in the folder PrernaStudentData_json. If this folder doesn't exist, create it and place the student data files (in JSON format) inside it.


The configuration for PostgreSQL connection is handled using the .env file. Make sure the following configurations are set:

  • NL_PG_URI: The URI connection string for the PostgreSQL database where the students' data is to be updated.


  • CHUNKS: The batch size for the bulk operations. This determines how many records will be processed per database transaction.

Running the Script

To run the script, use the following command:

npm start

This will trigger the script, which will:

  1. Connect to the PostgreSQL database.
  2. Delete existing student records in the database that have a grade greater than 3 (if not already deleted).
  3. Read the student data from JSON files.
  4. Update or insert students into the database in batches.
  5. Write the response of each batch to an output folder PrernaStudentData_json_response_prod.

Running the Script in Detached Mode (With Log File)

If you want to run the script in the background and detach it from the terminal session while also saving all logs into a specific file, you can use the nohup command with output redirection:

  1. In your terminal, navigate to the project directory.

  2. Run the script in detached mode using nohup and redirect both stdout and stderr to a log file. Since the script is named students-update-script.js, we will name the log file accordingly:

    nohup npm start > students-update-script.log 2>&1 &

    This command does the following:

    • nohup: Runs the script in the background and prevents it from terminating if the terminal is closed.
    • npm start: Runs the script via the start script defined in package.json.
    • > students-update-script.log: Redirects stdout (standard output) to the students-update-script.log file.
    • 2>&1: Redirects stderr (error output) to stdout, meaning both regular and error logs will go into the same file.
    • &: Runs the process in the background.
  3. View Logs: To view the logs of the running process, use:

    tail -f students-update-script.log

    This will display the latest entries in the students-update-script.log file as the script runs.

  4. Check Logs After Execution: Once the script finishes running, you can open the students-update-script.log file to inspect the complete logs.

Process Flow

  1. Database Connection: The script connects to the PostgreSQL database using the URI provided in the .env file.

  2. Delete Existing Students: It first marks all students with a grade greater than 3 as deleted (soft delete).

  3. Read Input Data: It then reads student data from JSON files located in the PrernaStudentData_json folder.

  4. Update Students: The script updates or inserts student records in the PostgreSQL database in batches (specified by CHUNKS).

  5. Write Output: After each batch of student updates, the script writes the results (success and failure details) to an output file located in PrernaStudentData_json_response_prod.

Error Handling

  • If any error occurs while connecting to the database, the script will terminate immediately and log the error message.
  • Errors during the bulk update process will be logged and the affected students will be marked as failed, with the error message provided.
  • The script ensures that database transactions are rolled back in case of failure during any batch update operation.

Folder Structure

The project folder structure is as follows:


├── PrernaStudentData_json/ # Folder containing input student data files (JSON format)

├── PrernaStudentData_json_response_prod/ # Folder for saving the output responses

├── students-update-script.js # Main script file

├── package.json # Project metadata and dependencies

├── .env # Environment configuration file

└── node_modules/ # npm dependencies


This script requires the following npm dependencies:

  • dotenv: Loads environment variables from the .env file.
  • pg: PostgreSQL client for Node.js used to connect to and interact with the PostgreSQL database.
  • mysql: (Not used in the script, but included in the package.json).
  • xlsx: (Not used in the script, but included in the package.json for potential future use).

To install the dependencies, run:

npm install


  • The script assumes that student data is in a JSON format and each record contains the following fields:

    • unique_id: Unique identifier for the student.
    • name: Name of the student.
    • gender: Gender of the student.
    • roll_no: Roll number of the student.
    • grade: Grade of the student.
    • udise: UDISE code of the student.
  • If a student's unique_id exists in the database, the script will update the existing record. If it doesn't exist, the script will insert a new record.

  • The output response for each update batch will be saved in the folder PrernaStudentData_json_response_prod in the following naming convention:

    • input_filename-update-response-greater_3.json


This script automates the process of updating and managing student data in a PostgreSQL database. It handles bulk updates efficiently by processing data in batches, ensuring minimal database load and reducing the risk of timeouts or errors. Ensure proper database connection settings and input data for smooth execution of the script.