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Student and Spot Assessment Data API


This API provides endpoints to retrieve student and spot assessment data within a specified date range. The data can be filtered by various parameters such as date range, limit, offset, and actor type.

Student Assessment:-

Student assessment data done by the Teacher, Mentor, and examiner usually aims to evaluate performance or compliance over a defined period.

Spot Assessment:-

Spot assessments, done by mentors only, are often used to check adherence to standards or procedures in real-time, potentially identifying issues or irregularities that might not be apparent during planned assessments., data


1. Student Assessment Data

URL: {{base_url}}/data/student-assessment-data
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves student assessment data filtered by date ranges (from_date/to_date or synced_from/synced_to), actor type, limit, and offset.

Query Parameters:

  • Date Range (Required):

    • You must provide exactly one date range: either from_date and to_date or synced_from and synced_to.
    • If provided, the date range cannot exceed 7 days.
    • Dates should be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Date Range Parameters:

    • from_date (conditional): Start date for filtering data.
    • to_date (conditional): End date for filtering data.
    • synced_from (conditional): Start date for filtering data based on sync dates.
    • synced_to (conditional): End date for filtering data based on sync dates.
  • limit (optional): Maximum number of records to return. Default is 100000.

  • offset (optional): Offset for the data retrieval, used for pagination.

  • actor_type (optional): Filters data by actor type (mentor, teacher, diet mentor, or examiner). Comparison is case-insensitive. If omitted, data for all actor types is retrieved.

Usage Rules:

  • Mutually Exclusive Date Ranges: Provide only one date range at a time. If both date ranges (from_date/to_date and synced_from/synced_to) are included, an error will be returned.
  • Required Date Ranges: Either from_date and to_date or synced_from and synced_to must be provided. Omitting both ranges will trigger an error.

Curl Example:

curl --location '{{base_url}}/data/student-assessment-data?from_date=2024-08-01&to_date=2024-08-08&limit=5&actor_type=mentor' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer <<admin-token>>'

Response: The response will include the following fields:

  • phone_no: Mentor's phone number.
  • class: The class (grade) of the student.
  • user_type: Type of actor (e.g., mentor).
  • district_name: Name of the district.
  • block_name: Name of the block.
  • udise: School's UDISE code.
  • created_at: The timestamp when the assessment was created.
  • synced_at: The timestamp when the data was synced in DB.
  • result: The result of the assessment (NIPUN, NOT NIPUN, or Unknown).
  • student: JSON object containing student details, if available:
    • student_id: Unique ID of the student.
    • student_name: Name of the student.
    • gender: Gender of the student.
    • roll_no: Roll number of the student.
    • class: Class (grade) of the student.
    • udise: UDISE code of the student's school.

2. Spot Assessment Data

URL: {{base_url}}/data/spot-assessment-data
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves spot assessment data filtered by the specified date range, limit, and offset.

Query Parameters:

  • from_date (required): Start date for the data filter in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • to_date (required): End date for the data filter in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • limit (optional): Maximum number of records to return. Default is 100000.
  • offset (optional): Offset for the data retrieval, used for pagination.

Curl Example:

curl --location '{{base_url}}/data/spot-assessment-data?limit=50&from_date=2024-04-01&to_date=2024-06-01' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer <<admin-token>>'

Response: The response will include the following fields:

  • phone_no: Mentor's phone number.
  • student_id: Unique ID of the student (if available).
  • class: The class (grade) of the student.
  • user_type: Type of actor (e.g., mentor).
  • district_name: Name of the district.
  • block_name: Name of the block.
  • udise: School's UDISE code.
  • created_at: The timestamp when the assessment was created.
  • result: The result of the assessment (NIPUN, NOT NIPUN).

API Call Process

  1. Set Date Range:
    Ensure that the difference between from_date and to_date does not exceed 7 days. If it does, the API will return a 400 error.

  2. Limit Records:
    By default, the API returns up to 100000 records in a single call. If you need fewer records, you can adjust the limit parameter.

  3. Offset Management:
    The offset parameter is used to manage pagination. Initially, set the offset to 0. If the first call returns data, increment the offset by the limit value and make another call. Repeat this process until the API returns an empty response, indicating that all available data has been retrieved.


    • First call: offset=0

      Curl Example:

       curl --location '{{base_url}}/data/student-assessment-data?from_date=2024-08-05&to_date=2024-08-06&limit=100000&offset=0&actor_type=teacher' \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer <admin-token>'
    • Second call: offset=100000 (assuming limit=100000)

      Curl Example:

       curl --location '{{base_url}}/data/student-assessment-data?from_date=2024-08-05&to_date=2024-08-06&limit=100000&offset=100000&actor_type=teacher' \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer <admin-token>'
    • Third call: offset=200000 (assuming limit=100000)

      Curl Example:

         curl --location '{{base_url}}/data/student-assessment-data?from_date=2024-08-05&to_date=2024-08-06&limit=100000&offset=20000&actor_type=teacher' \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer <admin-token>'
    • Continue incrementing the offset by the limit value until no more data is returned.

    Important: If you change the from_date or to_date, reset the offset to 0. This ensures you retrieve the complete and correct dataset from the new date range without missing or duplicating records.

Error Handling

The API includes comprehensive error handling to ensure that requests are processed correctly. Below are the common errors you might encounter:

  1. Invalid Date Format (400 Bad Request)

    • Condition: The from_date or to_date is either missing or not in the correct YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • Error Message: "Invalid date format. Please provide dates in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format."
  2. Date Range Exceeded (400 Bad Request)

    • Condition: The difference between from_date and to_date exceeds the maximum allowed range of 7 days.
    • Error Message: "Date range exceeded. The maximum allowed range is 7 days."
  3. Invalid Limit or Offset (400 Bad Request)

    • Condition: The limit or offset is not a valid number or is out of the allowed range.
    • Error Message: "Invalid limit or offset value. Please provide a valid number."
  4. Missing Authorization (401 Unauthorized)

    • Condition: The request does not include a valid Bearer token in the authorization header.
    • Error Message: "Authorization token is missing or invalid."
  5. Forbidden Access (403 Forbidden)

    • Condition: The Bearer token provided does not have the necessary permissions to access the data.
    • Error Message: "You do not have permission to access this resource."
  6. Internal Server Error (500 Internal Server Error)

    • Condition: An unexpected error occurs on the server while processing the request.
    • Error Message: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."


A valid Bearer token is required in the authorization header for all API calls. Ensure that the token has the necessary permissions to access the data.

Environment Variables

  • DEFAULT_DATA_LIMIT: Default limit for the number of records returned (default: 100000).
  • MAX_DATE_RANGE_DAYS: Maximum allowed days between from_date and to_date (default: 7 days).