Database Backup/Restore Procedure
This document outlines the steps to backup and restore a database to the NL server and update test backups on staging.
1. Download the Database Dump
Run the following command to download the database dump file:
nohup sudo wget "<db-dump-url>" -O <file-name>.tar.gz &
is used to run the command in the background, ensuring it continues running if the terminal is closed.- Check logs in nohup log:
cat <path>/nohup.out
- Check disk usage summary:
du -sh *
- Check disk usage progress summary (as a root user):
watch -n1 du -s *
2. Extract the ZIP File
Run the following command to extract the downloaded zip file:
sudo nohup tar -xvzf <file-name>.tar.gz
- Check logs in nohup log:
cat <path>/nohup.out
- Check disk usage summary:
sudo du -sh *
- Check disk usage progress summary (as a root user):
watch -n1 du -s *
3. Create Docker Compose
Navigate to the folder where the unzipped folders exist.
Create a docker-compose.yml
file there and add Docker Compose configuration codes.
Run the following command to start the Docker containers:
docker-compose up -d
4. Access Docker Container
Run the following command to access the Docker container:
docker-compose exec tsdb bash
5. Restore the Database Dump
Follow the steps outlined in the documentation here.
or after ensuring that the correct TimescaleDB version is installed you can go alternatively with below command
Run the following command to restore the database dump:
nohup psql -U "<user-name>" -d "<DB-name>" -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --echo-errors -f roles.sql -c "SELECT public.timescaledb_pre_restore();" -f dump.sql -c "SELECT public.timescaledb_post_restore();" &
If facing issues such as role <user> already exists
and restore script is failing, edit the roles.sql
file and comment out the CREATE ROLE <user>
command before proceeding.